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Teardrop Plans

Plans for you to build your own Big Woody Teardrop Camper

For those of you who do have the time, basic woodworking skills, and a garage or shop in which to build your very own teardrop camper, you’ll find that our Teardrop Plans are the most comprehensive available.

There are a lot of plans for sale on the internet. Just look around. You will find reproduced sketches and blueprints of some of the originals, other modern designs, and a few step-by-step instruction manuals. For the most part, you will receive 9-35 pages of sometimes “suspect” information from someone who has never built a camper or if they have, maybe they have built one or two. And when you receive your plans from those sellers, you are on your own. Sink or swim.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to SEE what your teardrop might look like when finished? Check out the others and you will find that “maybe” they have a picture or two. If you haven’t already done so, take a look at our photos on this web site and in our photo gallery. With our plans you can build any of these, and you can also modify any feature to suit your needs.

Our business is building custom Teardrop Campers. Most of the others are in the business of selling plans--not just teardrops, but a myriad of other stuff. We know that for every custom teardrop that we build, hundreds of people are building their own. Our mission is to help, either by building a customer’s camper, or by helping them build their own.

Over the years we’ve learned the “tricks of the trade” simply by building more and more campers. We share that information with you. Our manual is extensive; over 150 pages of detailed information, and over 200 drawings and pictures. We didn’t add “fluff” to our plans just to fill pages, but we have included EVERYTHING you need to know in a precise manner.

See construction photos here.

When you use our plans, you are not alone. We offer FREE technical support along the way via email or telephone. You will have all of our email addresses, shop phone number, home phone number and cell phone numbers. Should you hit a snag along the way, it’s not just YOUR snag, but OUR snag. We’ll walk you through any process and if we have to, we will send you even more drawings or pictures to further clarify any questions that might arise. Start to finish, you will have our full attention.

Our plans come with a template to cut your camper side walls and cabin doors. No math is involved! Also included are templates for single or double sinks in your galley!

Our plans come in four different forms:

PDF plans and printed templates: Downloadable pdf plans and printed templates. *$57 includes shipping and handling.

Printed plans with templates: Over 150 printed pages of text, drawings and photos in a three-ring binder. $149 includes shipping and handling

Big Woody Parts Kit at discounted price of *$439: Includes basic hardware and pdf of plans.

Big Woody Ultimate Kit $899 plus shipping of $135.00 include the five kits listed below

Over 150 pages, over 200 photos and drawings of our comprehensive plans in pdf file. Print it out on your computer and you're ready to build

    -The Big Woody Teardrop Campers Parts Kit

    -Electrical Component Kit

    -Galley Kit

    -Weatherstrip and Hardware Kit

    -Side Table Kit

OVERSEAS CUSTOMERS: Call or email us for current shipping charges abroad. Thank you!

*Wisconsin residents add 5.5% sales tax
Includes: CD of Plans Side and back counter templates Two (2) 12" x 18" crank-out self awning screen/windows Two (2) Aluminum T Molding Two (2) 3/4" aluminum trims for door openings Two (2) complete door handle assemblies Two (2) Piano hinge for doors..
Includes all templates. Shipping and handling for US orders is $3.95. (template sent by mail). Downloadable pdf plans. *Flat rate of $35 for overseas shipping - please contact us before ordering!..
Over 150 printed pages of text, drawings and photos in a three-ring binder and CD - the most comprehensive in the business! Also included is a full size template for the sides and doors, and a template for single or double sink placement. Don't forget - FREE technical support along the way!..
A template to help you cut out the counter top for either a single or double sink in your Big Woody Teardrop Camper...
The Ultimate Kit for $1169.00 plus shipping of $145.00 include the five kits listed below The Big Woody Teardrop Camper Parts Kit includes: Side and back counter templates Two (2) 12" x 18"  black finish slider windows with screen.       ******Customers do have ..
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